Gubernija sampling @Šiauliai days 2023

„ČIA VISI SAVI” says Gubernija. The slogan reveals Gubernija’s core value – community. Communicating this to consumers was one of the main goals of the integration into Šiauliai Days. We came up with the idea of making a biiiiig mirror cube. It not only catches the eyes of passers-by but also their hands. When you show one of the hand gestures of friendship, the cube gives you a task. When it is completed, you receive a refreshing gift of a non-alcoholic beer or other drink. On top of that, the mirror activation invites you to take a photo and spread the word about the magic cube to your social network friends. Well, it’s great even if it’s to your enemies.

Gubernija sampling dalinimai promo miestu svenes UTENA BTL experiential marketing ATL ideas idėjos TOTEM agency reklamos agentura

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